Talk of the Future

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This issue marks our last as the editors of Common-place. We founded the magazine five years ago in an effort to create a common place for historians, curators, archivists, journalists, and history buffs to share what they know about early America, and to teach each other to ask new questions. In that spirit, we’ve been proud to publish some exciting new voices, along with unusual contributions from luminaries in the field.

We know that the community of readers and writers that has coalesced around Common-place will thrive under the leadership of our successor editor, Edward G. Gray. Gray, a wonderfully creative historian of early American history and culture, is associate professor of history at Florida State University. And he has been a vital part of this publication since its inception, serving as an editorial board member and a column editor. From the very first issue his energy and creativity have made our Reviews section run and read smoothly. Now he’ll bring those same talents to bear at the top of the masthead. Our next issue, a special themed number on the early Pacific that will appear in January, will mark Ed’s debut (along with guest editor Alan Taylor). 

This new editorial leadership at Common-place comes with other exciting changes as well. The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, a longtime patron of the publication, has withdrawn from the governance of Common-place but will contribute financially to the journal during this transition year. Florida State University, Ed Gray’s home institution, will now join the American Antiquarian Society as a nongoverning partner for the next four years, coincident with Ed’s term as editor. FSU will contribute important things to our enterprise, including course release time for the editor, graduate assistantships devoted to the publication, and technical support. The AAS, of course, will maintain its financial support as well. 

Thanks to all of you, it’s been a joy to see Common-place grow and prosper over the last half decade. Now we look forward to joining you as readers in this common place.


This article originally appeared in issue 5.1 (October, 2004).