Reform and Reaction: Populism in Early America

Tragedy, Welfare, and Reform: The Impact of the Brooklyn Theatre Fire of 1876

These Names Had Life and Meaning

Just Add Sparkling Grape Juice: Toasting and the Historical Imagination in the Early Republic Classroom

Between Demo and Aristo: Civil Society and the “Revolutionary Settlement” in New York’s Columbia County

The Pursuit of Status: Elite Formation in the American Revolution

The Unwanted Rise of America’s Voluntary Tradition

The Power of Association: Re-examining Philadelphia’s Colonial Civic Culture

In Search of America’s Radically Democratic Founders

‘Not in our Neighborhood’

Post Transbellum?

The Capitalist Portrait

The Simple Life?

Looking for Politics in All the Right Places

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Author, “Title of Article,” Commonplace: the journal of early American life, date accessed, URL.
Sophie White, “Trading Looks Race, Religion and Dress in French America,” Commonplace: the journal of early American life, accessed September 30, 2019, https://commonplace.online/article/trading-looks-race-religion-dress-french-america/
Joshua R. Greenberg, editor
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