Issue Title Column Author

Vol. 10 No. 3

Images of Want: How poverty was, and was not, pictured before the Civil War


Jonathan Prude

Vol. 09 No. 4

Radical Revisions: Thomas Skidmore reads Thomas Paine in 1829 New York

Thomas Paine

Matteo Battistini

Vol. 11 No. 1

Striking Scenes: Robert Koehler, The Strike (1886), and competing visions of labor-capital conflict in the Gilded Age

Object Lessons

Edward T. O'Donnell

Vol. 07 No. 1

Labor Day in America: Or, the Day That is Not in May

Talk of the Past

Edward Gray

Vol. 13 No. 3

Object Lesson: Pompe Stevens, Enslaved Artisan

Object Lessons

Caitlin Galante-DeAngelis Hopkins

Vol. 10 No. 3

Building Baltimore in Black and White


Lynda Yankaskas

Vol. 12 No. 1

Loving The Wide, Wide World: A novel, its fans, and their fictions


Jennifer L. Brady

Vol. 07 No. 1

Reading Puritans and the Bard


Mark Peterson

Vol. 05 No. 4

The Inca Priest on the Mormon Stage


Jeremy Ravi Mumford

Vol. 08 No. 3

Players: Edwin Booth and the nineteenth-century American stage


Leslie Stainton