Editor’s Note – Submission Going Down, Down, Dragging me Down*
Editor’s Note—Birds, Bots, and Elephants: Commonplace and Social Media
Editor’s Note – Please Refresh Your Browser For A New Commonplace
Ben Franklin’s World
Graduate Training: Where Digital Scholarship and Early American Studies Meet
Exeter’s Declaration of Independence: A Festival, a Broadside, and a Lesson in Public History
Gems in the Pasture
Rejuvenating the Revolution? Roundtable on Turn: Washington’s Spies
Document by Document
Curating the Past That’s Alive in Our Minds
The Bunk
Hijinks on the Hudson?
Witnessing Historical Thinking: Teaching Students to Construct Historical Narratives
“Screw the past!”
Moon Shot
Roundtable on Turn: Washington’s Spies – Commentary by Jeremy Stoddard: History and Turn
Race in the Park
Roundtable on TURN: Washington’s Spies – Introduction: Truth Versus Accuracy
Performing Early American Fiddle Tunes
Exhibiting Excellence
National Character
Why I Can’t Visit the National Museum of the American Indian
Open House
Hesperus and Colonial American music
Vive la Différence?
Doing History
First Person: The 38th Voyage
Being There
Bones of Contention
The Newberry Consort
The Civil War at 150: Memory and Meaning – Special Issue of Commonplace
Can This Museum Be Saved?
Tunebook: David and Ginger Hildebrand
Telling Stories Out of School: Primary sources and the Internet
Venturing Out
Living History
The Sandbox of Iwo Jima
Shooting Back
Still Pequot After All These Years
Creative Writing
Welcome to Commonplace, a destination for exploring and exchanging ideas about early American history and culture. A bit less formal than a scholarly journal, a bit more scholarly than a popular magazine, Commonplace speaks—and listens—to scholars, museum curators, teachers, hobbyists, and just about anyone interested in American history before 1900. It is for all sorts of people to read about all sorts of things relating to early American life—from architecture to literature, from politics to parlor manners. It’s a place to find insightful analysis of early American history as it is discussed in scholarly literature, as it manifests on the evening news, as it is curated in museums, big and small; as it is performed in documentary and dramatic films and as it shows up in everyday life.
In addition to critical evaluations of books and websites (Reviews) and poetic research and fiction (Creative Writing), our articles explore material and visual culture (Objects); pedagogy, the writing of literary scholarship, and the historian’s craft (Teach); and diverse aspects of America’s past and its many peoples (Learn). For more great content, check out our other projects, (Just Teach One) and (Just Teach One African American Print).
How to cite Commonplace articles:
Author, “Title of Article,” Commonplace: the journal of early American life, date accessed, URL.
Sophie White, “Trading Looks Race, Religion and Dress in French America,” Commonplace: the journal of early American life, accessed September 30, 2019, https://commonplace.online/article/trading-looks-race-religion-dress-french-america/
Joshua R. Greenberg, editor
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