Issue Title Column Author

Vol. 17 No. 2

The Difference Greek Makes: Race, Typos, and the Classics in Thomas Jefferson’s Notes on the State of Virginia

Notes on the Text

David Weimer

Vol. 14 No. 1.5

Introducing Artist, Architect, Collector, and Landscape Designer George Washington


Lydia Mattice Brandt

Vol. 16 No. 2

Touching Sentiment: The Tactility of Nineteenth-Century Valentines

Object Lessons

Christina Michelon

Vol. 11 No. 4

Thirteen Sent, Ten Received: Account Books, Valentines, and Social Capital

Tales from the Vault

Mary Beth Sievens

Vol. 04 No. 3

Winterthur XXX: Searching for early American erotica

Tales from the Vault

Karen A. Sherry

Vol. 18 No. 1

Brothels for Gentlemen: Nineteenth-Century American Brothel Guides, Gentility, and Moral Reform


Katherine Hijar

Vol. 17 No. 3

Early America’s Guide to Sex: Aristotle’s Masterpiece


Sarah Schuetze

Vol. 08 No. 1

Searching for Love and Security across the Color Line


Erica Armstrong Dunbar

Vol. 12 No. 3

The Manly Sport of American Politics: Or, How We Came to Call Elections “Races”

Political Histories

Kenneth Cohen

Vol. 03 No. 2

Storm of Blows


Melissa Haley