Before the Gannenmono: The First Japanese in the Hawaiian Islands

In Her Own Voice: Poems of Anandibai Joshee

Pilgrims in Print: Indigenous Readers Encounter John Bunyan

Cosmic Kinship: John Stewart’s “Sensate Matter” in the Early Republic

An American Flag in Japan: Townsend Harris and the materials of diplomacy, 1857-58

Common Sense and Imperial Atrocity

Ken Kesey Meets Lewis and Clark

Washington in China: A Media History of Reverse Painting on Glass

Curiosity and Cure: Peter Parker’s patients, Lam Qua’s portraits

“Like standing on the edge of the world and looking away into heaven”

A Connecticut Yankee in the Court of Wu Chih Tien: Mark Twain and Wong Chin Foo

Viewpoints on the China Trade

Chinese Market; Global Trade

Herman Melville and John Manjiro

From Necessity to Nuance: How Edith Maude Eaton Became Sui Sin Far, a Case Study

Finding the Early American Pacific

First Meetings in the North Pacific: Russians and “Americans” in the Aleutians

Silver, Science, and Routes to the West

A Radical Intellectual with Captain Cook: George Forster’s world voyage

American History on Other Continents

“Go West, Young Man…Far, Far West”

Go East, Young Man: How a drifter from Revolutionary Connecticut found the Pacific

The Printing Press as an Agent of Change?

One Man’s Skull

James Mario Matra: Voyager with Cook

Encompassing the Sea of Islands: A most remarkable beach crossing

Introduction: Toward a Pacific World

Pacific Travelers: The islanders who voyaged with Cook

Pacific Overtures

Malaspina off and on the American Northwest Coast
Creative Writing
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How to cite Commonplace articles:
Author, “Title of Article,” Commonplace: the journal of early American life, date accessed, URL.
Sophie White, “Trading Looks Race, Religion and Dress in French America,” Commonplace: the journal of early American life, accessed September 30, 2019, https://commonplace.online/article/trading-looks-race-religion-dress-french-america/
Joshua R. Greenberg, editor
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